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    40 General Physician Clinics in Mohali

    Livasa Hospital

    Livasa Hospital

    8 General Physician
    5 - 44 years experience
    Sector 71
    ₹0 - ₹1200Consultation Fees
    94%34 Patient Stories
  1. Aman Multispecialty Hospital

    Multi-speciality ClinicSector 86

    ₹300 - ₹500 Consultation Fees

    1 general physicianOpen 24x7

    Dr. Aman Preet Kaur

    General Physician

    11 years experience

  2. Shine Multispeciality Clinic

    Multi-speciality ClinicKharar

    ₹200 - ₹300 Consultation Fees

    1 general physicianOpen Today9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

    Dr. Dinesh Joshi

    General Physician

    23 years experience

    100% • 16 Patient Stories
  3. Fortis Hospital - Mohali

    Multi-speciality ClinicPhase 8

    ₹0 - ₹3450 Consultation Fees

    4 general physicianOpen Today8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

    Dr. Subhash Chander Varma

    General Physician

    47 years experience

    100% • 17 Patient Stories

    Dr. Vikas Bhutani

    General Physician

    32 years experience

    Dr. Parvinder Chawla

    General Physician

    23 years experience


    Dr. Ketan Dang

    General Physician

    15 years experience

    100% • 23 Patient Stories
  4. Max Superspeciality Hospital

    Multi-speciality ClinicPhase-VI

    ₹300 - ₹1300 Consultation Fees

    4 general physicianOpen 24x7

    Dr. Rajiv Gupta

    General Physician

    24 years experience

    96% • 107 Patient Stories

    Dr. Ravi Kant Behl

    General Physician

    40 years experience

    Dr. Sandeep Parekh

    General Physician

    18 years experience

    100% • 2 Patient Stories

    Dr. Loveleen Aggarwal

    General Physician

    33 years experience

  5. Livasa Hospital

    Multi-speciality ClinicSector 71

    ₹0 - ₹1200 Consultation Fees

    1 general physicianOpen Today12:00 AM - 11:59 PM

    Dr. Jagpal Singh Pandher

    General Physician

    27 years experience

  6. The Brigit Clinic

    Multi-speciality ClinicSector - 70

    ₹500 - ₹700 Consultation Fees

    1 general physicianOpen Today9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

    Dr. Kirti Prasad

    General Physician

    13 years experience

    100% • 3 Patient Stories
  7. Sobhinder Medical and Dental Care Centre

    Multi-speciality ClinicSector- 68

    ₹500 Consultation Fees

    1 general physicianOpen Today9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

    Dr. Jasmeet Singh

    General Physician

    24 years experience

    100% • 31 Patient Stories
  8. Kalra Clinic

    Multi-speciality ClinicKharar

    ₹100 - ₹150 Consultation Fees

    2 general physicianOpen Today9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

    Dr. Sandeep Singh Sarpal

    General Physician

    16 years experience

    100% • 5 Patient Stories

    Dr. H.S.Kalra

    General Physician

    45 years experience

  9. Garg Diabetes & Heart Care Centre

    Multi-speciality ClinicSector-54

    ₹400 - ₹500 Consultation Fees

    1 general physicianOpen Today9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

    Dr. Lalitesh Garg

    General Physician

    27 years experience

    100% • 68 Patient Stories
  10. Cheema Medical Complex

    Pulmonology ClinicSAS Nagar

    ₹0 - ₹550 Consultation Fees

    1 general physicianOpen Today9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

    Dr. Rajiv Gupta

    General Physician

    24 years experience

    96% • 107 Patient Stories

General Physician Clinics

General Physician clinics in Mohali

Average Ratings
 (998 Reviews & Ratings)

Clinic Overview in Mohali

Min Avg Max
Fee - 572 3450
Wait Time30 min60 min90 min