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Drishti Physiotherapy Clinic

Drishti Physiotherapy Clinic

Drishti Physiotherapy Clinic

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Multi-speciality Clinic

(54 patient stories)

Jogeshwari West, Mumbai

Shop No-4, Patel Building, Station Road, Landmark: Opp. Malcolm Baug, Mumbai

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Drishti Physiotherapy Clinic is a dedicated Physiotherapy Clinic in Joheshwari East. Drishti Physiotherapy Clinic has a team of dedicated Physiotherapist, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Clinical & Counseling Psychologist, & Remedial Educator. more..

Ms. Disha Bamboli   (Physiotherapist) Physiotherapist in Mumbai

MPTh/MPT - Neurological Physiotherapy, BPTh/BPT

12 years experience overall




Neuro Physiotherapist

100% (66 votes)
Mon-Sat10:00 AM-08:00 PM

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT)

6 years experience overall


Occupational Therapist


Common questions & answers

Q: Is there a pharmacy/diagnostic/imaging service at the clinic?

A: There is no pharmacy, diagnostic or imaging service at the clinic

Q: How many patients can be seated at the waiting area at a time?

A: Approximately 7-8 patients can sit in the the waiting area

Q: What digital payment modes are accepted at clinic?

A: All credit card, debit card, paytm payments are accepted at the clinic

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