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Deep Brain Stimulation (Dbs)
Cost in Mumbai
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9 Lacs
11.5 Lacs
Highest cost (approx)
14 Lacs

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FAQs on Deep Brain Stimulation (Dbs) Surgery

Deep Brain Stimulation (dbs)

Deep Brain Stimulation Dbs S Doctors In Mumbai

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 (69 Reviews & Ratings)
Deep Brain Stimulation (Dbs) in Mumbai

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)?

DBS is the abbreviated form of Deep Brain Stimulation. In this procedure, electrodes are implanted within certain areas of the brain. Electrical impulses are produced by these electrodes which will regulate the abnormal impulses. These electrical impulses also regulate few cells and chemicals in the brain. the pace of the stimulation is controlled by a pacemaker-like device that will be placed below the skin in the upper chest region. This is connected through a wire which travels under the skin. Deep Brain Stimulation can be done for chest wall or brain.

What are the advantages of DBS?

The following are the advantages of DBS:

  1. It helps in treating chronic pain, cluster headache, etc.
  2. It is also used for major depression, dementia, and addiction.
  3. DBS is an option for stroke recovery.
  4. It is used to treat traumatic brain injury.
  5. It also treats essential tremors.  

What are the indications of Deep Brain Stimulation?

The following are the indications of Deep Brain Stimulation:

  1. Dystonia
  2. Epilepsy
  3. Parkinson's disease
  4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  5. Huntington's disease
  6. Tourette syndrome   

What is the preparation for Deep Brain Stimulation?

The following are the preparation steps involved in Deep Brain Stimulation:

  1. Before undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation, discuss the risks and benefits involved in this procedure with the doctor.
  2. The doctor may recommend some imaging tests like MRI before the surgery, be prepared with the test results.
  3. Discuss with the doctor about past and present medical and medication history.
  4. Take all the medications as instructed by the doctor.
  5. The patient should sign a consent form before the surgery.
  6. The patient will be provided with a medical soap to wash the hair. Hair is shaved off on a specific area of the head or complete head.

What is the postprocedure care/recovery care for DBS?

The following are the post-care steps for DBS:

  1. The pulse generator will be activated in the doctor's office a few weeks after the surgery.
  2. The pulse generator can be easily programmed from outside the body with the help of special remote control.
  3. The rate of stimulation can be monitored according to the patient's condition. The optimal setting may take up to 4 to 6 months.
  4. The pulse generator may be turned off at night or may remain constant. This will be instructed by your doctor.
  5. The stimulation can be turned on and off with the help of the remote control given to the patient.

Who can perform Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)  [Right specialist type for DBS]?

Deep Brain Stimulation can be performed by a certified and skilled Neurologist or a Brain surgeon who is specialized in treating movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease.

What is the cost of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)?

Cost of Deep Brain Stimulation depends on factors such as:

  1. Admission fee
  2. Doctor fee
  3. Age of the patient
  4. Type of procedure planned to be performed.
  5. The medical condition of the patient
  6. Type of hospital
  7. The admission room that you opted for
  8. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc

Minimum charges in Mumbai starts from Rs.55,000

Average cost in Mumbai is approximately Rs.82,500

Maximum price in Mumbai may rise up to Rs.1,10,000

Is Deep Brain Stimulation major surgery or minor surgery?

Deep Brain Stimulation is a major procedure as it involves the insertion of electrodes in the brain.

What is the eligibility criteria for Deep Brain Stimulation?

The following are the eligibility criteria for Deep Brain Stimulation:

  1. Patients suffering from movement disorders.
  2. Patients with motor fluctuations.
  3. Patients with Parkinson's disease.
  4. Patients who are unresponsive to medications.

What is the ineligibility criteria for Deep Brain Stimulation?

The following are the ineligibility criteria for Deep Brain Stimulation:

  1. Individuals with an active brain infection.
  2. People with brain diseases who can be treated with medicines.
  3. Individuals who underwent recent brain surgery.
  4. People with a weak immune system.

What are the risks and complications associated with Deep Brain Stimulation?

The following are the risks and complications associated with Deep Brain Stimulation:

  1. Improper positioning of the electrodes
  2. Stroke
  3. Difficulty concentrating
  4. Infection
  5. Hardware complications like eroded wire
  6. Headache 
  7. Seizure
  8. Pain which is temporary
  9. Swelling

How long does it take to complete Deep Brain Stimulation?

The duration of the Deep Brain Stimulation may depend on the type of procedure that is carried out.

What is the recovery time?

The recovery time varies according to the procedure and health condition of the patient. However, the usual recovery time is 4-6 weeks.

What is the success rate of Deep Brain Stimulation?
The success rate of  Deep Brain Stimulation may vary from one person to the other person according to their health condition. However, the success rate of DBS is 60%.

Is Deep Brain Stimulation painful?

Every surgery comes with a certain level of pain and some discomfort. You won't be experiencing pain during this process because you will be under anesthesia.

Is Deep Brain Stimulation permanent?

Deep Brain Stimulation may be minimally permanent until the electrodes are present in the brain.

What are the long-term results of Deep Brain Stimulation?

The following are the long-term effects of Deep Brain Stimulation:

  1. Balance problem
  2. Speech problems
  3. Vision problems
  4. Mood changes
  5. Muscle tightness
  6. Numbness

Can Deep Brain Stimulation be detected in the future?

Deep Brain Stimulation may be detected in the future due to the presence of electrodes in the brain.

What are the alternatives for Deep Brain Stimulation?

The alternatives for Deep Brain Stimulation is medical treatment.

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