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Ms. Monika Vaghela

Ms. Monika Vaghela   (Physiotherapist) Physiotherapist in Mumbai

Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist)

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Geriatric Physiotherapist

7 Years Experience Overall  (2 years as specialist)

Ms. Monika Vaghela is a Physiotherapist and Geriatric Physiotherapist and has an experience of 7 years in these fields. more..

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Common questions & answers

Q: Why do patients visit Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist)?

A: Patients frequently visit Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist) for Sports Taping, Physiotherapy Rehab, Neuro Physiotherapy. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.

Q: What do patients say about Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist)?

A: Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist) has been recommended by 5 patients and has recieved stories from 4 patients. You can read detailed patient stories of the doctor on Practo.

Q: What is Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist)'s education qualification?

A: Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist) has the following qualifications - BPTh/BPT.

Q: What does Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist) specialises in ?

A: Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist) specialises as Physiotherapist, Geriatric Physiotherapist.

Q: How many years of experience does Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist) have?

A: Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist) has an overall experience of 7 years. View where has Ms. Monika Vaghela (Physiotherapist) practiced in the past.


BPTh/BPT - Gujarat University, India, 2018