MS - Ayurvedic General Surgery, BAMS
Medical Registration Verified
Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne Practicing in field of Anorectal diseases since last 16 years. She has done Post graduation (MS) from RA Podar medical college, Mumbai.
Shop Number 30 ,Everest Shopping Centre, M. G Road ., Landmark: Opposite Railway Station., Thane
Mon - Sat
07:00 - 09:00
Shop Number 11, Ground Floor, Goodwill Chs, Plot Number 15/16, Sector 8, Landmark: Near Three Monkey Point, Navi Mumbai
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 01:00
Q: Where does Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne practice?
A: Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne practices at Sushrut Speciality Centre for Piles Fissure Fistula & Anorectal Diseases - Dombivli West, Vidhi Piles Care Speciality Clinic - Kharghar.
Q: How can I take Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne's appointment ?
A: You can take Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne's appointment online through Practo for in-clinic visit with the doctor.
Q: Why do patients visit Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne?
A: Patients frequently visit Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne for Piles Treatment, Laser Piles Treatment, Piles Surgery. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q: What is Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne's education qualification?
A: Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne has the following qualifications - MS - Ayurvedic General Surgery, BAMS. You can book the doctor through the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q: What does Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne specialises in ?
A: Dr. Vidya Dattatray Dharne specialises as Ayurvedic Surgeon, Ayurveda.