Dr. Zeba Chhapra


Aesthetic Dermatologist , Dermatologist , Cosmetologist

9 years experience overall

267 patients
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About Dr. Zeba Chhapra

Dr. Zeba Chhapra is a Aesthetic Dermatologist,Dermatologist and Cosmetread more


Laser Hair Removal - Face
Scar Treatment
Botox Injections
Common Questions
Q :
Why do patients visit Dr. Zeba Chhapra?
A :
Patients frequently visit Dr. Zeba Chhapra for Laser Hair Removal - Face, Scar Treatment, Botox Injections. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q :
What do patients say about Dr. Zeba Chhapra?
A :
Dr. Zeba Chhapra has been recommended by 257 patients and has recieved stories from 217 patients. You can read detailed patient stories of the doctor on Practo.
Q :
What is Dr. Zeba Chhapra's education qualification?
A :
Dr. Zeba Chhapra has the following qualifications - DDVL.
Q :
What does Dr. Zeba Chhapra specialises in ?
A :
Dr. Zeba Chhapra specialises as Aesthetic Dermatologist, Dermatologist, Cosmetologist.
Q :
How many years of experience does Dr. Zeba Chhapra have?
A :
Dr. Zeba Chhapra has an overall experience of 9 years. View where has Dr. Zeba Chhapra practiced in the past.

Other Information


Aesthetic Dermatologist


DDVL - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum, 2015


2016 - 2016 Doctor at Cutis Skin Studio


Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)


2014041126 Maharashtra Medical Council, 2014