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15 Radiation Oncologists available in Mumbai

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M | O | C Cancer Care & Research Centre

M | O | C Cancer Care & Research Centre

3 - 20 years experience
Mahimand 6 other centers
₹1500 - ₹4000Consultation Fees
98%2431 Patient Stories

Dr. Bhavin Visariya

Radiation Oncologist
13 years experience overall

Dr. Wasim Phoplunkar

Radiation Oncologist
25 years experience overall

Dr. Naseem Imran Shaikh

Radiation Oncologist
17 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

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Practo does not guarantee confirmed appointments and wait-time with these doctors

Dr. Rupal Hitesh Chheda

Radiation Oncologist
24 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Nirmal Raut

Radiation Oncologist
22 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Deepanjali Adulkar

Radiation Oncologist
13 years experience overall
2000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mukul Roy

Radiation Oncologist
12 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Agarwal Sharmila

Radiation Oncologist
36 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Upasna Saxena

Radiation Oncologist
19 years experience overall
2450 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Trinanjan Basu

Radiation Oncologist
21 years experience overall
2450 Consultation fee at clinic

Radiation Oncologist

Best Radiation Oncologists In Mumbai

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 (176 Reviews & Ratings)
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