Ms. Smriti Mishra

M.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition), BSc. - Home Science


16 years experience overall

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About Ms. Smriti Mishra

Ms. Smriti Mishra is a Dietitian/Nutritionist and has an experience ofread more
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Common Questions
Q :
What is Ms. Smriti Mishra's education qualification?
A :
Ms. Smriti Mishra has the following qualifications - M.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition), BSc. - Home Science.
Q :
What does Ms. Smriti Mishra specialises in ?
A :
Ms. Smriti Mishra specialises as Dietitian/Nutritionist.
Q :
How many years of experience does Ms. Smriti Mishra have?
A :
Ms. Smriti Mishra has an overall experience of 16 years. View where has Ms. Smriti Mishra practiced in the past.
Q :
Who is Ms. Smriti Mishra?
A :
Ms. Smriti Mishra is a Dietitian/Nutritionist and has an experience of 16 years in this field. She completed M.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition) from ICG, Jaipur in 2008 and BSc. - Home Science from Banasthali Vidyapith in 2006.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.
Q :
What does a nutritionist/ Dietitian do?
A :
A dietitian/nutritionist is a specialist who is trained to plan your meal depending up on your health and nutritional requirements. He/she can guide you about eating right food in right proportions to achieve your ideal health status and weight.

Other Information




M.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition) - ICG, Jaipur, 2008
BSc. - Home Science - Banasthali Vidyapith, 2006