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    2 Interventional Cardiology Clinics in Mahatma Nagar, Nashik

  1. Estb Image

    Asha Heart Clinic

    Cardiology ClinicGangapur

    ₹800 Consultation Fees

    1 interventional cardiologistOpen Today11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Atul Patil

    Interventional Cardiologist

    15 years experience

    97% • 494 Patient Stories
  2. Estb Image

    Six Sigma Hospital

    Mahatma Nagar

    ₹100 - ₹700 Consultation Fees

    1 interventional cardiologistOpen Tomorrow10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Nirmal Kolte

    Interventional Cardiologist

    14 years experience

Clinic Overview in Mahatma nagar

Min Avg Max
Fee 100 600 800
Wait Time30 min60 min90 min