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Dr. Sumit Puri Psychiatrist in Panchkula

Dr. Sumit Puri

DPM (Psychiatry), MBBS





Addiction Psychiatrist

18 Years Experience Overall  (16 years as specialist)

Medical Registration Verified

Dr Sumit has a total experience of more than 17yrs. He did is Post Graduation from Institute of Mental Health, Chennai - Madras Medical College (MMC). He did his residency training from PGIMER and Dr. RML Hospital, Delhi. He shifted to Panchkula as Psychiatrist in Charge of a 50 bedded psychiatric hospital. He started his own private practice in 2018. His forte is treating patients with Dual Diagnosis {patients with both psychiatric & addiction problems), psychosexual disorders & those with stress/life style issues. .

Patient Stories for Dr. Sumit Puri
These are patient’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the doctor’s medical capabilities. Read more
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