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Dr. Kshitish Raj
General Physician
9 years experience overall
Bhojpur Hospital
₹300(approx.) fee
Clinic Appointment
Instantly consult other General Physician online.
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About Dr. Kshitish Raj
Dr. Kshitish Raj is a Doctor in Bhojpur, Patna and has an experience o…read moref 9 years in this field. Dr. Kshitish Raj practices at Hospital in Bhojpur, Patna. He completed MBBS from SDM College of Medical Sciences in less
How many years of experience does Dr. Kshitish Raj have?
A :
Dr. Kshitish Raj has an overall experience of 9 years. View where has Dr. Kshitish Raj practiced in the past.
Q :
Who is Dr. Kshitish Raj?
A :
Dr. Kshitish Raj is a Doctor in Bhojpur, Patna and has an experience of 9 years in this field. Dr. Kshitish Raj practices at Hospital in Bhojpur, Patna. He completed MBBS from SDM College of Medical Sciences in 2015.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.