Medical Registration Verified
Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare is a Orthopedic surgeon in Hadapsar, Pune and has an experience of 16 years in this field. Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare practices at Sai Multispeciality Hospital in Hadapsar, Pune.
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 09:00
10:00 - 01:00
Q: Where does Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare practice?
A: Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare practices at Sai Multispeciality Hospital - Hadapsar.
Q: What does Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare specialises in ?
A: Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare specialises as Orthopedic surgeon.
Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare have?
A: Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare has an overall experience of 16 years. View where has Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare practiced in the past.
Q: Who is Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare?
A: Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare is a Orthopedic surgeon in Hadapsar, Pune and has an experience of 16 years in this field. Dr. Lalitkumar Nagare practices at Sai Multispeciality Hospital in Hadapsar, Pune.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.
Q: Who is an Orthopaedist?
A: An orthopaedist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the skeletal system. An orthopaedic doctor attends to any disorder or condition or injury pertaining to the bones, muscles, joints, and ligaments associated with the skeletal system. These medical professionals treat conditions like arthritis, back pain, sports injuries, and leg and foot pain