Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar

MBBS, FCPS - General Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgeon , General Surgeon

8 years experience overall

Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar Laparoscopic Surgeon in Pune
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About Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar

Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar is a Laparoscopic Surgeon and General Surread more
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Common Questions
Q :
What is Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar's education qualification?
A :
Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar has the following qualifications - MBBS, FCPS - General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery.
Q :
What does Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar specialises in ?
A :
Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar specialises as Laparoscopic Surgeon, General Surgeon.
Q :
How many years of experience does Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar have?
A :
Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar has an overall experience of 8 years. View where has Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar practiced in the past.
Q :
Who is Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar?
A :
Dr. Mrunal Bharat Kshirsagar is a Laparoscopic Surgeon and General Surgeon and has an experience of 8 years in these fields. She completed MBBS from M.U.H.S in 2017,FCPS - General Surgery from PT.Madan Mohan Malviya Shatabdi Hospital in 2023 and Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery from World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, NCR, New Delhi in 2024.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.

Other Information


Laparoscopic Surgeon
General Surgeon


MBBS - M.U.H.S, 2017
FCPS - General Surgery - PT.Madan Mohan Malviya Shatabdi Hospital, 2023


2019054499 Maharashtra Medical Council, 2019

Trainings and Certifications

Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery - World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, NCR, New Delhi, 2024