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Mr. Shree Deshpande

MA - Psychology

Counselling Psychologist , Psychologist

5 years experience overall

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About Mr. Shree Deshpande

Shree Deshpande is a counseling psychologist. He is specialized in Preread more


Marriage/ Marital Counselling
Family Counseling
Stress Management
Parent Counseling
Premarital Counseling
Parenting Issues & Doubts
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Common Questions
Q :
Why do patients visit Mr. Shree Deshpande?
A :
Patients frequently visit Mr. Shree Deshpande for Marriage/ Marital Counselling, Family Counseling, Stress Management. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q :
What is Mr. Shree Deshpande's education qualification?
A :
Mr. Shree Deshpande has the following qualifications - MA - Psychology.
Q :
What does Mr. Shree Deshpande specialises in ?
A :
Mr. Shree Deshpande specialises as Counselling Psychologist, Psychologist.
Q :
How many years of experience does Mr. Shree Deshpande have?
A :
Mr. Shree Deshpande has an overall experience of 5 years. View where has Mr. Shree Deshpande practiced in the past.
Q :
Who is Mr. Shree Deshpande?
A :
Shree Deshpande is a counseling psychologist. He is specialized in Pre-marital / Marital / Post-Marital / Relationship / Sexual misconception, Parenting and treatment on Stress, Anxiety, Mild depression, Overthinking and Anger management. He has 20+ years of experience in working with corporate world (MNC's), he has worked in USA, UK and can easily understand IT working professionals problems. He used therapies like SFT, CBT, REBT, TA.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.

Other Information


Counselling Psychologist


MA - Psychology - Indira Gandhi National Open University, Mohan Estate Delhi, 2019


2019 - 2020 Counseling Psychologist at The counseling center
2017 - 2019 Counseling Psychologist at The counseling center