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    6 Skin Clinics in Solapur

  1. Estb Image

    Skin City Solapur

    Dermatology ClinicSolapur City

    ₹500 Consultation Fees

    1 dermatologistOpen Today9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Niteen Dhepe


    25 years experience

    89% • 1195 Patient Stories
  2. Estb Image

    Aditis Skin Care

    Dermatology ClinicSolapur City

    ₹300 Consultation Fees

    1 dermatologistOpen Today11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Dinesh Deshpande


    56 years experience

    100% • 5 Patient Stories
  3. Estb Image

    The Skin Clinic

    Dermatology ClinicSolapur City

    ₹200 Consultation Fees

    1 dermatologistOpen Today2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Nagesh Gaddam


    15 years experience

  4. Chakote Cosmeto Care Centre

    Multi-speciality ClinicSolapur City

    ₹200 Consultation Fees

    1 dermatologistOpen Today4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Smita Chakote


    29 years experience

  5. Sun Skin Clinic

    Dermatology ClinicSolapur City

    ₹150 Consultation Fees

    1 dermatologistOpen Today10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Sachin Kore


    18 years experience

    89% • 9 Patient Stories
  6. Dr Dhaval's Skin And General Clinic

    Multi-speciality ClinicSolapur City

    ₹200 Consultation Fees

    1 dermatologistOpen Today9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Dhavalkumar Bansode


    12 years experience


Clinic Overview in Solapur

Min Avg Max
Fee 150 258 500
Wait Time30 min60 min90 min