Medical Registration Verified
Dr. Hema Sowjanya practices as a Dermatologist at Manipal Super Speciality Hospital, Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh. Dr. Hema has around 3 years of experience in the field of Dermatology. She is a qualified MBBS from Guntur Medical College, Guntur. Dr. Hema Sowjanya has further pursued Masters from Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore.
Mon - Sat
02:30 - 04:00
Q: Where does Dr. Hema Sowjanya practice?
A: Dr. Hema Sowjanya practices at Manipal Hospital - Tadepalle.
Q: How can I take Dr. Hema Sowjanya's appointment ?
A: You can take Dr. Hema Sowjanya's appointment online through Practo for in-clinic visit with the doctor.
Q: Why do patients visit Dr. Hema Sowjanya?
A: Patients frequently visit Dr. Hema Sowjanya for Wrinkle Treatment, Double Chin Treatment, Liposuction. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q: What is Dr. Hema Sowjanya's education qualification?
A: Dr. Hema Sowjanya has the following qualifications - MBBS, MD - Dermatology. You can book the doctor through the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q: What does Dr. Hema Sowjanya specialises in ?
A: Dr. Hema Sowjanya specialises as Dermatologist.