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Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist)
Orthopedic Physiotherapist
10 years experience overall
Patamata Anagha physiotherapy clinic
₹200(approx.) fee
Clinic Appointment
Instantly consult other Orthopedic Physiotherapist online.
Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) is currently not consulting online with Practo
B L G Sai Babu
4 years ago
Visited forShoulder Pain, Back Pain Physiotherapy
I recommend this doctor!
Dr. Keerthi Priya was extremely helpful in reducing my pain. She is very clear in her instructions and guides you well for each and every treatment she gives.
Great physio. I highly recommend Anagha Physiotherapy Clin
Dr. Keerthi Priya was extremely helpful in reducing my pain. She is very clear in her instructions and guides you well for each and every treatment she gives.
Great physio. I highly recommend Anagha Physiotherapy Clinic.
Where does Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) practice?
A :
Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) practices at Anagha physiotherapy clinic - Patamata.
Q :
What do patients say about Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist)?
A :
Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) has been recommended by 1 patients and has recieved story from 1 patients. You can read detailed patient stories of the doctor on Practo.
Q :
What is Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist)'s education qualification?
A :
Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) has the following qualifications - MPTh/MPT - Orthopedic Physiotherapy.
Q :
What does Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) specialises in ?
How many years of experience does Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) have?
A :
Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) has an overall experience of 10 years. View where has Mr. D. D. Keerthi Priya (Physiotherapist) practiced in the past.
Other Information
Orthopedic Physiotherapist
MPTh/MPT - Orthopedic Physiotherapy - VIMS College Of Physiotherapy, Vijayawada, 2014