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11 Geriatric Physiotherapist doctors available in Kr puram

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Arch Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Arch Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

2 - 14 years experience
₹500 - ₹1000Consultation Fees
93%134 Patient Stories

Mr. Nizam Hamza (Physiotherapist)

Geriatric Physiotherapist
9 years experience overall

Ms. Sneha K Udayan (Physiotherapist)

Geriatric Physiotherapist
3 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Ms. Sheema Shabir (Physiotherapist)

Geriatric Physiotherapist
19 years experience overall
Sculpx Physiotherpy & Fitness

Sculpx Physiotherpy & Fitness

12 years experience
₹500Consultation Fees
100%2 Patient Stories

Ms. Swathi (Physiotherapist)

Geriatric Physiotherapist
13 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Ms. Shiwali Salwan (Physiotherapist)

Geriatric Physiotherapist
7 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

More doctors in Kr puram

Practo does not guarantee confirmed appointments and wait-time with these doctors

Ms. P. Sravaneswari (Physiotherapist)

Geriatric Physiotherapist
16 years experience overall

Ms. S Rajashree (Physiotherapist)

Geriatric Physiotherapist
18 years experience overall
FAQs on Geriatric Physiotherapist

Ms. Gulshan N Jain (Physiotherapist)

Geriatric Physiotherapist
16 years experience overall
200 Consultation fee at clinic

Best Geriatric Physiotherapists In Kr Puram, Bangalore

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 (2164 Reviews & Ratings)
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