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Kidney Biopsy
Cost in Bangalore
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20 Kidney Biopsy Doctors in Bangalore

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Dr. Hareesha Babu Nephrologist in Bangalore

Dr. Hareesha Babu

27 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic
Dr. Harsha Kumar HN Nephrologist in Bangalore

Dr. Harsha Kumar HN

18 years experience overall
Dr. Bonu Ravi Sankar Nephrologist in Bangalore

Dr. Bonu Ravi Sankar

35 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Vidyashankar P

23 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Girish H

24 years experience overall
950 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shashank Shetty

14 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shrinivas RP

16 years experience overall

Dr. Prashant C Dheerendra

20 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Devaraj Urs H

20 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on Kidney Biopsy Surgery

Dr. Somanna M

39 years experience overall

Kidney Biopsies Doctors In Bangalore

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 (905 Reviews & Ratings)
Kidney Biopsy in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Kidney Biopsy?

Kidney Biopsy is performed by collecting the tissues or cells from the kidney to exam it under the microscope. The doctor diagnoses the disease by examining the kidney tissue sample in the laboratory.

What are the advantages of Kidney Biopsy?

The following are the advantages of Kidney Biopsy:

  1. It helps in finding the reason for the abnormal level of waste products in blood.
  2. To find if a tumor in the kidney is malignant or benign.
  3. To find the cause of hematuria or proteinuria or albuminuria, etc.

What are the indications of Kidney Biopsy?

The following are the indications of Kidney Biopsy:

  1. Hematuria
  2. Albuminuria
  3. Proteinuria
  4. Urinary problems
  5. Kidney problems
  6. To develop treatment plans depending on the kidney's condition
  7. To determine the progress of the kidney disease
  8. To evaluate the treatment given for kidney disease
  9. To  monitor the condition of the newly transplanted kidney 
  10. To evaluate the reason for an unfunctional transplanted kidney

What is the preparation for Kidney Biopsy?

The following are the preparation steps for the Kidney Biopsy:

  1. The patient may be asked about the present and past medical history and medication history.
  2. Inform the doctor if you are using any blood thinners or pain killers.
  3. The previous allergies or allergy to anesthesia should be discussed with the doctor.
  4. In certain cases, the doctor may prescribe some antibiotics before this procedure. Take the prescribed medicines without fail. 
  5. The doctor may prescribe some urine tests prior to this procedure. Be ready with the test results before the procedure.
  6. Before going to this procedure, empty the bladder.

What are the steps involved in Kidney Biopsy?

The following are the steps involved in Kidney Biopsy:

  1. During the procedure, the patient may be asked to lie in a position that gives better access to the kidneys.
  2. With the help of an ultrasound probe, the doctor will insert a needle exactly in the required position. In few cases instead of ultrasound, a CT scan can also be used.
  3. The position will be marked on the skin and the local anesthetic is given at the site.
  4. If the pain cannot be managed with a local anesthetic, the doctor gives pain medication through IV.
  5. A small incision is made and the needle is passed through it. The ultrasound is used to guide the needle into the kidney.
  6. The patient may be asked to hold breath while the sample is being collected with a spring-loaded instrument. A sharp clicking noise may be heard during that moment.
  7. A few needles may be inserted to get enough tissue.
  8. After the collection of the tissue sample, the doctor removes the needles and places bandages on the incision.

What is the postprocedure care/recovery care for Kidney Biopsy?

The following are the post-care steps to be followed after Kidney Biopsy:

  1. The patient may be shifted to the recovery room after the procedure.
  2. The patient's blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing will be monitored continuously.
  3. Later urinalysis and Complete blood count tests are performed to check for any bleeding complications.
  4. The patient may be recommended to take rest for several hours.
  5. Take all pain killers as prescribed by your doctor. 
  6. Follow all the instructions given by the doctor.

Who can perform Kidney Biopsy [Right specialist type for Kidney Biopsy]?

Kidney Biopsy can be performed by a certified and experienced,

  1. Nephrologist 
  2. Urologist 
  3. Kidney Transplant Surgeon 
  4. Interventional Radiologist

What is the cost of Kidney Biopsy?

Cost of Kidney Biopsy depends on factors such as:

  1. Doctor fee
  2. Age of the patient
  3. The medical condition of the patient
  4. Type of hospital
  5. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray,  scanning, etc.

Minimum cost in Bangalore starts from Rs. 5,000

Average expenses in Bangalore is approximately Rs. 15,000

Maximum amount to be paid in Bangalore rises up to Rs. 20,000

Is Kidney Biopsy a major surgery or minor surgery?

Kidney Biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves only small incisions. This is considered a minor procedure.

What is the eligibility criteria for Kidney Biopsy?

The following are the eligibility criteria for Kidney  Biopsy:

  1. People who are passing blood in the urine.
  2. Individuals with acute or chronic kidney disease.
  3. People with glomerular disease.
  4. People having kidney tumors.

What is the ineligibility criteria for Kidney Biopsy?

The following are the ineligibility criteria for Kidney Biopsy:

  1. People with a kidney problem that can be detected using lab tests.
  2. Individuals who underwent a recent kidney transplant. 

What are the risks and complications associated with Kidney Biopsy?

Risks and Complications associated with Kidney Biopsy are:

  1. Bleeding
  2. Pain
  3. Blood in the urine
  4. Fevre with chills

How long does it take to complete Kidney Biopsy?

Kidney Biopsy may take almost 1 hour to complete. Sometimes it may take more than the usual time depending on the condition of the patient.

What is the recovery time?

Individuals who undergo Kidney Biopsy may take 2-3 days to recover completely.

What is the success rate of Kidney Biopsy?
The success rate of Kidney Biopsy depends on the following factors:

  1. Age of the patient
  2. The medical condition of the patient

However, the success rate of Kidney Biopsy maybe 88% to 95%.

Is Kidney Biopsy painful?

Every surgery comes with a certain level of pain and some discomfort. You won't be experiencing pain during this process because you will be under anesthesia.

Is Kidney Biopsy Permanent?

Kidney Biopsy is not permanent as it only involves the collection of kidney tissues for examination.

Can Kidney Biopsy be detected in the future?

Kidney Biopsy may not be detected in the future as it only involves the collection of kidney tissues for examination.

What are the options if Kidney Biopsy fails?

If Kidney Biopsy fails then the doctor may repeat the procedure again.

What are the alternatives for Kidney Biopsy?

  1. Open kidney biopsy
  2. Transjugular and transurethral biopsies
  3. Kidney function test
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