Online gaming can be a hobby or in some individuals the habit becomes an addiction, where the person loses control of his behaviour. Inability to control gaming behaviour, inability to live without gaming, emotional distress, neglect of other pursuits and real life situations are some of the features. Hence please talk to your brother and find out if any of such problems are reported by him. In that case a psychiatrist should be able to help him with gaming addiction.
The behavioral addictions like internet, gaming, sexual addiction are getting more common in our society and will need attention of a competent psychiatrist. A combination of medication and psychological intervention is likely to be required in such a scenario of the doctor finds it to be a addiction.
Hence my suggestion for you is to seek a consultation with a psychiatrist near you for your brother after talking to him. Hope this helps you. Best wishes for your health and future...
Answered2017-07-13 01:56:52
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