AVN stage 4

2016-09-08 13:20:59
Hello sir/Ma'am, my finance is suffering from SVN stage 4. She is quite young 22.5 years old. Some doctors are suggesting core decompression. Is it the right procedure or she needs complete hip replacement? We are confused between various approaches. Please suggest preferable process for this stage SVN and does she need hip replacement after some years? And how successful is core decompression?

Answers (6)

Stage 2-Core Decompression, Stage 4-Total Hip Replacement.

Answered2016-09-14 12:53:43

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To get a complete and permanent relief ,need to go through the total replacement of the hip.

Answered2016-09-09 13:34:43

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Core decompression is a procedure to decrease pressure inside femoral head and therefore decrease pain in early stages of avn hip. Now in stage 4 and with head collapsed, the option best for you is THR. Total hip replacement is a very  good procedure but you must discuss its limitations in routine life with your surgeon first.

Answered2016-09-09 08:04:44

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Treatment depends upo stage of the disease not on  the age of patients So stage four will need replacement

Answered2016-09-09 07:47:01

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hello sir...Physical therapy provides only symptomatic control and also does little to alter disease progression.better take orthopaedic surgeon adive for it...thanks

Answered2016-09-09 04:10:08

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U'll get some help (Without Operation) of Magnetodyn therapy to reconstruct some amount of bone & Matrix Therapy for vascular (circulation). With this u can go for Aquatic therapy to avoid further damage.

Answered2016-10-27 17:41:59

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