Bad breath

2023-07-04 05:21:57
I have really bad breath throughout the day even after brushing my teeth properly. Please suggest remedies, what should I do?

Answers (13)

Hello, Bad breath ( Halitosis)
Health Tips
Helpful tips :- 1) Do brush twice daily. 2) Brush your tongue instead of using tongue scraper. 3) Use non- alcohol based mouth wash 4) Hydrate yourself 5)Visit a dentist they may suggest you professional teeth cleaning If your residing in gurgaon you can book your appointment at Hapliv Dental Clinic

Answered2023-07-06 12:37:25

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Persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, can have various causes Proper oral hygiene: Ensure that you brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day and floss daily. This helps remove plaque and food particles that can contribute to bad breath. Don't forget to brush your tongue as well, as bacteria can accumulate on its surface. Mouthwash or mouth rinse: Consider incorporating an antimicrobial mouthwash into your oral hygiene routine. It can help kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Look for mouthwashes specifically designed to combat bad breath. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist. Saliva plays a crucial role in rinsing away bacteria and maintaining oral health. Dry mouth can contribute to bad breath, so staying hydrated can help combat this issue. Watch your diet: Certain foods, such as onions, garlic, and spicy foods, can contribute to bad breath. Limiting your intake of these foods or practicing thorough oral hygiene after consuming them can help mitigate the issue. Regular dental check-ups: Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and professional cleanings. A dental professional can identify and address any underlying oral health issues that may be contributing to bad breath. Quit smoking: If you're a smoker, consider quitting. Smoking not only causes bad breath but also contributes to a host of other oral health problems. Quitting smoking can have numerous benefits for your overall health, including fresher breath. Manage underlying conditions: In some cases, bad breath may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition such as gum disease, sinusitis, or gastric reflux. If you suspect an underlying condition may be causing your bad breath, consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and appropriate treatment. It's important to note that these suggestions may help alleviate mild cases of bad breath. However, if the problem persists despite your efforts, it's best to consult a dental professional or healthcare provider. They can evaluate your specific situation, identify any underlying causes, and provide targeted treatment recommendations to address your bad breath effectively.

Answered2023-07-05 06:39:26

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Hi There are many reasons for bad Breath. Deposits Sinusitis Nasal polyp Dehydration GASTRIC PROBLEM Mouth breathing Dehydration Treating the cause will give better relief
Next Steps
kindly visit a nearby dental surgeon for a physical examination evaluation and treatment plan

Answered2023-07-05 05:26:37

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Maintain oral hygiene. Warm saline rinses thrice a day. Visit a local dentist for physical evaluation and treatment (as required).

Answered2023-07-04 16:58:04

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Firstly,you should get Scaling done every 6 months Brush and floss your teeth twice daily. Halitosis can be due to not cleaning your tongue,So clean your tongue with tounge cleaner after brushing. Use mouth wash.
Health Tips
Keep proper oral hygiene maintenance.

Answered2023-07-04 10:32:30

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Brush your teeth twice daily Rinses after every meals Go for scaling and polishing

Answered2023-07-04 07:32:16

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Bad breath can be due to dehydration, sinus infection, white coating on tongue or indigestion. Please visit a dentist to find out the exact cause.

Answered2023-07-04 07:21:33

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Bad breath will not go by brushing properly has numerous can be due to dehydration also..Go visit ur dentist and rule  out the cause
Next Steps
hydrate your self properly
Health Tips
use mouth wash

Answered2023-07-04 06:30:24

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There are numerous reasons for bad breath, some of them are, Improper cleaning of tongue, Tonsil stones, Dehydration etc Visit a dentist and get the correct diagnosis done.

Answered2023-07-04 05:42:26

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Bad breath from mouth is technically called as Halitosis. you could have this problem even after regular brushing. It could be due to many reasons like poor oral hygiene, carious teeth, certain foods like garlic and onions, or any systemic problem. Generally it is related to your periodontal health. You may be in need of a periodontist for professional cleaning of your teeth and gums.
Next Steps
Visit a good dentist for proper evaluation of your issue and get oral prophylaxis done.
Health Tips
Always keep your tongue clean. Brush twice daily and use mouthwash.

Answered2023-07-07 08:32:39

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Certain foods, health conditions and habits are among the causes of bad breath. In many cases, you can improve bad breath with consistent proper dental hygiene.
Next Steps
visit your dentist for scaling every 6 months.

Answered2023-07-05 13:18:31

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First get Your cleaning done Floss after every major meal Use mouthwash after every meal Clean your tongue too Cut down food with garlic in it Rule out digestion issue, consult your physician for acidity, gastric issues. Stay hydrated

Answered2023-07-05 07:42:36

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Hello Professional cleaning is neede and after that maintain oral hygiene Do brush twice daily Drink plenty of water

Answered2023-07-05 02:13:50

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