Breastfeed milk storage

2024-05-27 11:03:39
My child is 1.5 months old . How long can we store breast pump milk on room temperature and in freeze'? Is there any issue if I pump and then give it to my child? Please guide

Answers (5)

Breast milk at room temp for four hrs In fridge 24 hr , 2 to 8 Celsius

Answered2024-05-27 12:54:39

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Why do you want to pump and give which is also double the effort. Direct breast feeding has the best nutritional and immunological(anti infective) value and gives milk at the right temperature too to your child. Direct breast feeding is unparalleled. Other means should be adopted only when you have no option.

Answered2024-05-27 12:21:15

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Room temperature 4 hours Refrigerator 2 to 8 deg 24 hrs (not in door) Freezer 6 to 12 months ( - 20 deg)

Answered2024-05-27 12:14:14

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Outside 4 hours in this summer Freeze 2 to 8 C, 24 hours Freezer for 3 to 6 months Store in steel container only. No plastic.

Answered2024-05-27 12:06:11

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Hi. You can store at normal temperatire for 4 hrs and in refrigerator for 24 hrs. You can pump and give but make sure bottoes used are sterile

Answered2024-05-27 11:05:50

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