Head dizziness and pressure

2023-09-19 10:44:42
I m experiencing dizziness and pressure like feeling inside head throughout the day. Worsens at evening and night. It is there throughout the day and most experienced when sitting still at a place. Feeling pressure back of eyes like the eyes would pop out now. No pain experienced till now. Right hand feels weak but am able to to and lift weight equally as the left hand. But that feeling is there. Like it is going to paralyse or sth. I had anxiety issues before two months at home when went for holidays and had anxiety attacks like palpitations and shortness of breath, and so on. All were gone when i started new work at my office. But still I had this dizziness thingy and now it has increased and it's irritating. Pls help how to cope with this. Is it due to anxiety or sth related to neuro or BP issue?

Answers (2)

It looks like Anxiety,but need proper evaluation and history in detail to diagnose anything.
Next Steps
Consult Psychiatrist

Answered2023-09-19 10:52:05

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Need to consult immediately

Answered2023-09-20 04:33:40

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