Hello practo user
I can understand this difficult situation you are currently facing in your life . It seems that the incident which occurred with you is hampering your professional and personal life simultaneously. Incidents which leave a lasting impact can lead to all these situations such has deterioration of health , feelings of helplessness and altering your behaviour and moods . You can try and practice pranayam in the morning , try and talk to a trusted or a close family member or friend , engaging yourself and keeping yourself occupied in various activities can help divert your mind . It is advisable that you seek help from a clinical psychologist for a proper analysis to give a diagnosis and also help you learn positive , healthy coping skills and techniques which will make your overall health psychologically and physically better . You can also get in touch with me through the practo app for any further help or guidance.
Next Steps
consult a clinical psychologist
Health Tips
talk to a trusted family member or friend , practice pranayam, enagage yourself in various activities