IUI success after 24 hrs ovulation

2023-04-04 06:55:40
I went through IUI on 3rd April and this is 2nd attempt. Initially was taking letrozole 2.5 mg for 5 days and on 12th day(1st April) my egg size was 20mm and I was given Tigger shot at 11 am. I felt ovulation pain on the same day evening till next day 2nd April till 11 am. My IUI was done in 3 April at 1 PM. Is there any chance of success as what I ready everywhere is egg only stays for 24hrs. But my doctor is saying it stays for 3 days.

Answers (10)

Yes egg remains viable for 24 hrs. However sperms can remain viable for up to 7 days in vagina. Yes there is chance of pregnancy. IUI is done after 36 hrs of the trigger shot.

Answered2023-04-05 07:00:50

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Egg stays for 12-24 hours but the sperm can survive for 5 days. You were given trigger shot on 1 April. The ovum would have been released by the evening of 2 April. You had IUI on 3 April. So there are chances that you may conceive.

Answered2023-04-04 15:28:39

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Connect please

Answered2023-04-04 12:20:31

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Yes there are chances

Answered2023-04-04 07:06:07

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every iui has sucess rate of 20-30%

Answered2023-04-04 07:03:24

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Answered2023-04-04 10:05:57

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Chances of success with iui is not more than 30 to 40 percentage

Answered2023-04-04 10:03:43

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Chances of conception are there Keep positive attitude Wait till you miss your periods

Answered2023-04-04 07:59:26

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From your  details  there is  possibility  of pregnancy.

Answered2023-04-04 07:16:27

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Yes there is chance of pregnancy.. and egg stays there for 72 hours..

Answered2023-04-04 06:59:49

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