Pain Elbow and knee joint

2016-04-15 15:33:38
I regularly workout. I have been experiencing a locking sensation in my both elbow joints. I have noticed that it all begin back when i decided to increase my weight lifting capacity. And my rogjt leg joint is hurting aswell. Need help. I am not able to free participate in some workouts due to such pain.

Answers (3)

Take rest from gym and tk b complex leg joint swelling tk ice pack twice a day for 20 minutes

Answered2016-04-16 13:42:00

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Advise is to avoid any weights for at least a week of still problem persists plz get assesed..

Answered2016-04-16 05:27:41

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Hello, I suggest you to stop lifting weights till you s figure out the exact problem . it could be ligament tear , you give rest to body otherwise pain goes on increasing , apply cold ice if there is swelling , Get an x Ray of elbow and knee joint to rule out fracture ,Take rest for a week , don't increase weights , Consult orthopedic surgeon .

Answered2016-04-16 05:03:08

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