Suffering from fissure pain

2021-05-24 09:15:39
Hi This is Rashmi. I mean suffering from severe fissure pain since 3 months. Motions are also tight now I am taking Caffreine lactose. Doctors prescribed me sitcom tablets also. I have taken 14 antibiotics. Then skin massa was not healing. Thdn again doctor given me 800 mg tablets for 2 times a day. It was healing but due to one day tight motion again cut and swelling and pain is there what to do. I don't want to take more antibiotics now. Don't want to operate again. In 2014 already surgery had done for fissure. Plz suggest some Ayurvedic medicine to loose my motion and how to reduce swelling and pain. How to heal that cut.

Answers (4)

Hi you can consult me online, you can plan a course of ayurveda medicines for 15 days which will help you out, consult me online

Answered2021-05-25 16:20:29

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Don't take risk with your peaceful life. You can take 1 tsp triphala choorna with hot water everynight. If it is not working then take 2 tsp
Next Steps
u can sit in a tub of luke warm water with a pinch of salt adding in it daily 1/2 hr morning and evening
Health Tips
Apply jatyadi taila externally.. If you are willing for a detailed consultation and prescription contact personally

Answered2021-05-24 10:18:02

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Start proper ayurvedic medicine.. To get rid of this problem permanently without any side effects.. Do sitz bath twice daily... Avoid spicy food.. Use ring tube to sit.. Check for constipation..
Next Steps
for further information consult me privately

Answered2021-05-24 09:31:05

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Take proper treatment in Ayurveda

Answered2021-05-24 09:30:31

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