Tummy problem

2016-04-04 05:45:02
Hi I am a software engineer, 9 hours in front of computer work I do. Please tell me the natural exercises or Ayurveda's medicines to reduce my stomach, and when to do these exercises . Which type of food I should eat? My weight is 64 and height is 5'7. Please give me the diet. 10 to 7 is my office timing. Please guide me, waiting for your answer. Thanks

Answers (2)

Your weight is not much but as u r saying tummy fat is more u need to reduce fat and gain muscle. I can help u with same. Have lots of fibre no medicine can help to reduce fat have healthy lifestyle. No Ayurveda can help for weight loss.

Answered2016-04-07 18:39:28

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Hello, have more of fruits and vegetables, drink lot of water , avoid junk ,oily food items ,have food like chapatis, avoid curd ,ghee, ice creams , Exercise daily in morning , sleep well ,avoid worries. , in medical terms BMI more than 30 is called obesity , Skipping ,swimming ,cycling burns stored fat

Answered2016-04-04 18:19:10

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This question featured in :

Tummy reduction exercisesHow to reduce tummy after deliveryHow to reduce tummy fat
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