Wright loss

2016-04-16 03:21:14
My height is 5 2.5" and my weight is 55 kg . I don't look fat but I wish to shed fat accumulated on my arms , belly , breast and thighs . Please tell me what diet plan I should follow to tone up myself . I am pure vegetarian . I would appreciate it you can suggest me exercises to follow up too .

Answers (1)

Hi...., Consider dietary changes. Low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets may increase insulin levels, so you may want to consider a low-carbohydrate diet .. Don't severely restrict carbohydrates; instead, choose complex carbohydrates, which are high in fiber. The more fiber in a food, the more slowly it's digested and the more slowly your blood sugar levels rise. High-fiber carbohydrates include whole-grain breads and cereals, whole-wheat pasta, bulgur wheat, barley, brown rice, and beans.

Answered2016-04-18 13:06:30

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