Hip joint pain
I had hip replacement on jan 2021.Both hip joints were replaced. From the past 2 days I am having pain in groin area in right leg.Feels like a tight band.No pain while walking.I feel like swelling in that area.
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Visit operating surgeon once and check xray . If needed rule out hernia or some other possibilities .
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Please consult your primary operating surgeon for a detailed examination f/b x-rays or blood tests if required.
Next Steps
visit your operating surgeon. if he is not available you may consult a joint replacement specialist nearby
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Consult me search browse on goggle practo website Dr Rajinder sharma senior Orthopaedic neurospine joint Replace surgeon ,42 years expertise chandigarh health Department Govt Multispeciality Hospital retired Chandigarh(U.T)
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Consult orthopaedic surgeon for further evaluation
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Analgesic SOS for pain
Next Steps
consult with orthopaedic doctor if pain persist may require further evaluation
Health Tips
Avoid activities which increases pain
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Tablet Zerodol sp Powergesic gel application
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Need xray to assess.
Next Steps
get an xray pelvis with both hips -Ap view and right hip lateral view
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.