Hello doctor, My mother is 60 years old. On march 28th, 2017 she went ultrasound pelvic scan and was reported as below:-
Uterus: Anteverted, bulky in size with normal echo pattern measuring 94*58*77mm. Few intramural & subserosal fibroids noted, largest measuring 34mm.Endometrium not clearly visualised. Both ovaries are not visualised. No evidence of free fluid in peritoneal cavity, Aorta & IVC normal, No para-aortic lymphadenopathy.
Impression: Grade I fatty
Bulky uterus with fibroids.
Doctor, I am really worried for my mother, does fibroids include any malignant or benign tumors or cancerous cells? She has no pain in that area. For her 60 yrs age her size of uterus is correct as people say that ovaries and uterus generally will not be visible and gets shrinked? Please give me your feedback on this and strong suggestion what i need to do further. I am really worried . Please see the above findings and tell me is there any serious problem please. Thankyou.