Is it dementia ?
Sir/Madam, i forget people's name, words easily. I have to take more time to recall names etc. Is it dementia or stress or depression.
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Your problem appears to be recalling difficulty. Dementia is more than memory loss. Commnest cause at your age is anxiety or overburden of stress.
Next Steps
Evaluation for recalling difficulty
Health Tips
Memory technique, Yoga, Meditation
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In depression , memory disturbances can occur which is called as pseudodementia . If u are under stress and if u are suffering from sleep disturbances , having crying spells .getting irritable on minor issues ,not feeling fresh on getting up , does not feel energetic or desire to do anything along with memory disturbances it could be depression.  It's better to visit a psychiatrist for diagnosis of your problem and management.
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A 20 year old person to have dementia is rare. The symptoms you have mentioned can be mostly due to high anxiety or stress.
Next Steps
Practice yoga and regular exercises. Avoid smoking and alcohol if any. Play music or go for swimming which too helps.
Health Tips
Be relaxed stay healthy.
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Your age is not indicative of dementia, however, stress could be major reason, coupled with depression, leading to difficulty in recalling the names, words etc., Such a disease is often referred as pseudo dementia. Consult physiologist for the problem
Next Steps
Try to manage your stress do yoga, change your life style
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This question featured in :

Treatments for dementia Head injury dementia symptoms Dementia With Lewy Bodies
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.