Height:147cm, weight:87kg
BMI is 39.2, age 24 (female)
I am increasing lot of weight day by day and facing Lots of problems
hormonal imbalances, insomnia,
sleep paralysis, anxiety, depression,
poor diet, tachycardia, GERD, IBS( irritable bowl syndrome),
OCD, overthinking, panic attacks
subclinical hypothyroidism sometimes on&off (not taking any medication) because
TSH levels are 5.3 then it will come normal.
( Low BP, RBS) sometimes
D ,
B12 vitamin deficiency,
Scalp Seborrheic dermatitis,
Having symptoms of PCOS,
I lost my biological rhythm completely,
It's been so many years I didn't sleep properly, no consistency
I followed many many ways, medication, counselling, But no permanent solutions
Please, give me solutions.
if I lose weight, is there is possibility of Overcoming from all these above problems????????? I m not able to take action towards healthy life,
Thank you for reading :-)