Recently Answered Questions on DICLOFENAC


Frequent Burping/Belching.

I'm having a problem of frequent burping/belching from last 5 months. This has become so critical that some times i used to have 30~40 burps in a minute. Its something which shouldn't be accepted now as earlier. Recently i had consulted twice with a same doctor. But Doctor is saying its nothing worry about do regular exercise to keep your digestion fit & Prescribed me a some medicine of Diclofenac-Sodium 100mg. Pls help & suggest.
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Is my symptom of cold or something else?

Sir/ma'am Last 3 days I have been experiencing a lot of symptoms. The first day started with very mild fever of 99 than I had vomit in the evening and fever was gone. Day 2 I had loose motions and fever 100.5 and now on Day 3 i have loose motions without fever and no vomit. I am passing my stool twice/day and it's mostly liquidish. Kindly guide what disease i may be suffering from and what test to do. Ps: I took Pcm+diclofenac 250gm  and Sporlac DS today only. Earlier two days were without medicine.
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Dan MR while breastfeeding

My wife has muscle spasm / stiffness and pain. She is on breastfeeding of 9 months baby girl. Can she take Dan MR ( Diclofenac, Paracetamol, and Chlorzoxazone.) Tablet ? I mean is it safe to take Dan MR while breastfeeding? We are new parents so little bit anxious. So i thought I should ask Expert who is pediatrician doctor. Please reply as per your convenience sir / ma'am Thank you in advance
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Body/joints pains from inside to outside

Good day sir/ma, my cousin have been complaining of having serious body/joints pains for 2 day's now, as we speak he's unable to sleep at night and during the day the pains do subside a little,but at night after taking his malaria drug he can't sleep due to the pains. He's currently on malaria drug IBASUNATE and Diclofenac. Please what can be done or take to reduce the pains or stop them completely. Thanks
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Muscle pain bed time

I have ibs due to i have nerve pain in whole body at bed time.I have taken dulane and pregabalin. They create much gas in morning.They not work i am taking prothiaden 50 twice it relief but not comple but still i have pain should increase night dose. I relief by diclofenac 50 and paracetamol 325 but i can not take much. Because i dont have fever. Now i am taking zerodol sp since 7 day. My question is that if i have muscle pain then aceclofenac only is enough i think paracetamol is taken if anybody have fever. I don't have fever.
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Can I take Antibiotic and Painkiller

Dear Sir/Madam, I was taken COVID 19 Vaccine (Sputnik-V) 8 days back I have gum infection since 30 days Dentist wrote Doxycycline, diclofenac I used 10 days After 12th Day I took Vaccine Now gum infection is came back I ask to Dentist he said take same medicine For 7 days My doubt is can I take Antibiotic and Painkiller After taken COVID 19 Vaccine (8 days back)? Can please clear my doubt? Thank You
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Had constipation yesterday and unable to pass stool doctor gave Ducolfex( bisacodyl suppositories) tube After passing of stool bleeding start then again contacted doctor gave SN-15 Tablet(serratiopeptidase and diclofenac), C.V.P (citrus bioflavonoid) tablet. Next day/ means today also had bleeding during stool. Should I worried. How long does it take to heal?
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Beside tooth skin pain

Hello sir Attached photos Sudeen beside tooth skin got rashes and red dot what is the reaosn I don't know .butbi don't have any tooth pain earlier .now also just skin getting pain unable to talk and using now .diclofenac Amoxicillin Zytec ointment Gargle .. Pls advice any other since 4 days it's getting pain lot now also same condition.. attached photos thanks
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Heart beat issues.

Gooday doctors, right now am on medications as prescribed by my docor which includes diclofenac potassium 50mg,renerve plus and cocodamol all to be taken under 10days. but i feel somthing might be wrong beacuse last night after i took all medications as prescribed,after two hours or so my heartbeat increased for some seconds. i was then so scared of falling asleep. Please help me. although i do have asthma in the past before this medication. Thank you doctors.
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Fever, cold, sore trought

I visited doctor in the first day and I had Sore throat doc gave me Anti In the 3d day I got cough and my visited doctor and hr gave some other Antibiot +2 penic Well in the 8th day noon I ate some fruits to gain Diarrhea (and i still have it till now) . in 2am i got fever and visited doctor again (the fever always happens in midnight) .. and he took emergency blood test and he gave me prospan cough syrup with diclofenac potassium and now i have cold sweat, and fever and afterward again col
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