Sinarest Dosage for toddler
My son is 2.2 yrs old having cold yesterday and now temperature is 100.7 so i did give 5ml Sinarest. How frequently i can give it. Will Sinarest is enough to control fever and cold or i need to paracetamol oral separately.
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Common cold is a self limiting disease. No medicine is effective or required. Mild fever is well tolerated by children. If high fever or uncomfortable, give paracetamol 15 mg per kg body weight. Can be given 4 times a day.
Next Steps
plenty of rest, drinking fluids to maintain hydration if complications like sinusitis or otitis develop, take antibiotics by prescription of a doctor.
Health Tips
Cough medicines are not recommended for use in children due to a lack of evidence supporting effectiveness and the potential for harm. Antibiotics have no effect against viral infections, including the common cold
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Hi Can give sinarest syrup 5 ml Thrice a day for 3 days.. No need of separate paracetamol unless there’s high grade temperature If there’s no improvement consult nearby pediatrician
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