Loose motion
Pelvic scanning
L Carnitine
Face full of spots and warts
Swelling and blistering in the sun
Breathing and allergic problems
Not feeling anything in my penis
Vaginal bleeding
Problem of sexual abstinence
Pain in Anus while sitting.
to control my anger ness
how to get rid of dark lips
Pain in right hip and feet
Kidney stones type
Annoying shooting on left side of chest
USG Report - Abdomen & Pelvis
Dark knees
Pain at shoulder and swelling.
Pure Neuritic Leprosy
Mind problem
Stress depression
buttocks area and tailbone pain
Grandmother aged 85+ hving chest congest
I am a loser!
Acne issues
Periods delayed
Hair fall and regeneration serum
Pain in my leg pain , from last 10 days
sensitive glans,hurts when touch
IBS-D and Vertigo
Sleeping problem
I want to know the medicine or cream
IUI and implantation bleeding
Typhoid recover.....and nausea,faint
abdominal left side
hair problem
Medication for my health problem
Urgent medication
Skin problems
Cyst in face more than three months
Teeth issue in my 13 month toddler son
Pain in ear
Visited sunday to consult paleo diet
I Can't Understand My Thought
Dull pain in left groin area
Having night fall
To avoid pregnancy by unwanted 31
Acne on back
height is not increasing what to do
After hcg level 320 have twins or not
difficulty to bridging
severe back pain
Complete right bundle branch block
Periods issue
Cure for eczema
What should I do
Need medication advise
Eating slate pencil in jaundice
How can i delay my periods safely
Bedsore on buttocks
Change of ANTIDEPRESSANTS of My mother
Red and painful gums
Drug dosage question
Eye Crossing Problem
Too much pain
Bleeding from bladder post chemotherapy
Skin problem
Need to confirm abortion
Hearing lost
Fainted and hurt the head
Heel Pain in the leg
Emergency contraceptive pills related .
Semen Examination Test Results
Pcod and tuberclausis
Pain in stomach and chest area
Blood in Gums
I need a doctors note
constant shoulder joint pain
Unwanted Pregnancy issues
What are d chances of pregnancy?
Probable migraine
Skin allergy
Suffering from depression
Cough and congestion leads to breathing
Unable to gain weight
Acne break out
Eye blockage
delayed period after ipill
Overweight problems
Cosglo gel usage
Cataract problem
minimal joint effuasion
redness and pain
loss of erection
Acne and dark circles problem
Not able to handle divorce
redness and tender pain while moving eye
Jock itches
Concentration in studies
Hairfall problem
there are no signs of periods what do I
I can't feel love.
Gender phobia
Eventone skin
Not recive my normal period
Dry cough n vomiting
Is this a panic attack?
White yellow sperm
I didn't understand Repeat dose
Dark patches ..older looking skin...
Apple cider vinegar
Itchy rash with blisters
Moleskum on face
periods for 3 times in 30 adys of time.
pcod issue from past 2 year
Men sexuàl helath
Pregnancy issue
Tablet for Migraine Headaches
Unable to find results of prega news
Stiffness in knee
Usage of getlite cream
Cold & Cough problem
I have issue of hair fall from past two
Throat and Ear Pain
Slow pain in lower right back
Pain during periods
Acne on chest and back side of chest
Left knee joint problem
Acne problem
mental problem
Mental depression
Throat problem
can I take unwanted 72 immediately
D12 compression
pergancy problem
Cold and breathing problem
Side effects of giving up smoking?
Penile problem
stiching needleprinck in finger
Suffering with jock itch
Periods problem
Unprotected sex
Stitch like pain from my left ovary
Very noticeable diminishment in hearing
Acne scars
Red spot on my skins
Cough and cold
Shoulder Pain
Speech Clarity Problem in left ear
Pregnancy dont want to continue
Renel crotical cysts
I was on krimson 35
Panick attack and dizziness
Hairfall treatment
Overdose of ecosprin
sore throat
PCOs in both overies
Headache and Dizziness
Allergic and asthma from last 10 years
Right Hip Arthroscopy with Bone Removal
Mysterious cramps that won’t go away
Black spots
Spotting after taking an ipill
TSH in pregnancy
motion problem
Swelling and hardening
Pain in left foot
Elbow mobilization issue after surgery
Pain in lower abdomen
hair fall problem with dandruff
Sex problem