Folvite dosage
Do & don't,Diet chart for high diabetes
Systolic pressure
Having problem in one eye
Premature ejuculation
My tsh range 6.920.
Stomach issue
Kid is feeling tired and not eating
loss of control
Rashes, fever and vomiting
I Need advice on women health check ups.
PCOS with regular periods and normal TSH
Continueous chest pain and back pain
Meniscus tear injury,type 2 (4 year ago)
Kidney swelling
Plz give infi
Taking levosulphride
Hair Fall
Burning urinating
Milk usage
Minor chest pain
Foot corn and related pain
Aortic valve disease
Start / stop like flash pain at utirus.
My 2 months old baby having cough
Period delayed almost 15days
Non surgical Verginal reguvination
seems like viral
Vomiting 22 hrs after near accident
Stomach Upset.
Ibs i feel it
Anxiety and panic attack
Penis size
Knee joint pain
Thicken voice
Loose motion and vomiting
Penis size
Ear pain in child
Ear pain in my 3 years old child
Having 102 fever
Hemoroids pain
Tinea cruris
Food intolerance and food allergy
Early Pregnancy
Regarding teeth sensation
Acl ligament tear
Methergine for retained products
Upper side jaw pain
Bleeding teeth
Having Gas problem
Nose bleeding
White hair at age of 20
Tooth Cap
Nodule in ct scan
Bust size
I m thinking too much.very depreesed ,
Pcos weight gain diane35
Unable to breath,walk and blurred vision
Ectopic pregnancy and laproscopy
Trouble sleeping
Lump near anus
Uric acids
Fungal infection
Consultation for oil
Hair Loss Problem
Erection Quickly
Loss in the volume of my hair
Alcoholic, Lac of sleep, ARV (Dog bite)
Swelling in one side of labia minora
My chest is like female breast
Early pregnancy test
Hormonal Imbalance
Need suggestions for treatment
Medicine for burning sensation in stomac
Penile yeast infections
Glutathione treatment
Ear wax granuloma
Sevier pain in breast
Dizziness episode..
Can u plz tell me last two medicine name
My mother creatinine level 3.2
For inducing menstruation
Information of medicines
Mirtaz 7.5 making nausea can I stop
Skinny body
Oligoasthenospermia - Can be cured?
Problem in my ovary enlarged in size
Cough n cold
Specs person
Low Hdl and high ldl
For muscle gain
Stoamch burning sensation
Pronunciation problem
No withdrawal bleeding After taking ipil
Excessive itching
Afl range is 2.2 33 week
Facial twiching
Dog Bite please help
Acne scars dark and deep
Bowel problem
Too many pus cells in urine
Gym and Masturbation
Having wound inside the mouth(inner sid)
Pregnancy termination of 4 weeks pregnan
Experiencing pain & burning in anal
Fbs test blood sugar
Testicular pain
Left testicle and Muscle pain near Groin
No withdrawal bleeding after taking ipil
Am I deficient of Vit D?
Pain in thumb of my left toe
17 Hdroxyprogesteron
Laproscopic surgery for pcos/pcod
Feel weekness
Eye strain, pain in left eye
How to take medicine
Chromosome analysis/Karyotype report
Dehydration & Yellow Urine
Planning for Baby but fail
Hiv and oral sex
Hiv test conclusive ?
Head ache mild
Corn on middle finger of left hand
Sperum count nill
Warts continuously growing
Sudden Anxiety
Nerve or Muscle Weakness
Cyst out side overy
usage of duphaston 10 mg
Pain in my penis
Hairfall treatment and hair thinning
Difficulty and shortness of breathing
Fistula Treatment
eye examination report
Dust allergy
Pregnancy Nd veet
Feeling weak
Right side stomach cramp
IBS Problem
Digestion problem
Allergy all over body
Pitta control
After 90 days which hiv test prefer
Solution for piles.
My 12 months baby is suffering from cold
Irregular periods
Low AFI at 32 week 4 days pregnancy
Feeling irritated by everyone
Chills from last 3 days
Placenta: Anterior low
Hair fall and dandruff
B Long F Tablets
Orthopedic pediatric
Fungal infection recurrent
No periods
Ulcerative colitis
Hiv test conclusive ?
Fatigue and weakness
Arthritis swelling won't go away
Swollen redness on cheeks
Meningococcal conjugated vaccines
Over weighted
Pain in back of head
About contraception
Having pain in my ears after swimming an
Appendicitis Operation
High hemoglobin and RBC count
What should be the normal blood sugar
Chest heavyness
Nausea and anxiety after eating
Blood sugar
Blood sugar
Hairfall due to dandruff
Heart attack
Umbilical Hernia
I Want to delay my periods
Feeling weak often. Chills and headache
Pain in ears
High blood pressure
Umbilical hernia
Hairloss due to fungal infection
Strange itching&rashes anywhere on skin
Premature Ejaculation
Having more veins developed in penis
Missed periods
Fits after vaccination
White colour Rashes in groin region
I have checked for blood test
Anxiety fear
Rashes in Mouth
Regarding her mensuration
Sevier fatigue
Dry eyes irritation
Pain in back and leg
Can i start with Lactic acid 25% peel
Stone in ureter
Himalaya pilex tablet
Hip pain after Normal delivery
Skin inflammation
Dry hair and bald spots
Teeth in baby
Too Many cherry angioma
i abrt2.5mnths after 2c sectn by pill
Fungal infection
Irregular periods
Ovarian cyst
Need an assistance with a medical report
Regarding ultrasound
Mutivitamin and digestion disorder
Hair smoothening