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34 Colonoscopy Doctors in Mumbai

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Gastro Surgery Clinic

Gastro Surgery Clinic

1 Laparoscopic Surgeon
19 years experience
₹1000Consultation Fees
87%75 Patient Stories
Dr. Imran Shaikh Laparoscopic Surgeon in Mumbai

Dr. Imran Shaikh

Laparoscopic Surgeon
20 years experience overall
Dr. Sambit Patnaik Gastroentrology Surgeon in Mumbai

Dr. Sambit Patnaik

Gastroentrology Surgeon
21 years experience overall
2000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Laxman Salve

Gastroentrology Surgeon
24 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Manoj Gandhi

Bariatric Surgeon
30 years experience overall

Dr. Gaurav Mishra

Laparoscopic Surgeon
21 years experience overall

Dr. Gautam Goel

Laparoscopic Surgeon
29 years experience overall
2000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ashwini Wagh

General Surgeon
35 years experience overall

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FAQs on Colonoscopy Surgery

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Colonoscopies Doctors In Mumbai

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Colonoscopy in Mumbai

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Colonoscopy and its indications?

Colonoscopy is a medical procedure used to check the colon and rectum for the presence of tumors, polyps, and inflammation with the help of a colonoscope. It also diagnoses symptoms such as blood in the stool, stomach pain, unexplained diarrhea, and colorectal cancer. 

Colonoscopy is indicated in the following conditions:

  1. Inflammatory bowel disease
  2. Chronic constipation
  3. Colon cancer
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Bleeding in the lower gastro-intestine
  6. Unexplained abdominal pain

What can be the advantages of Colonoscopy?

Some of the advantages of Colonoscopy are:

  1. Detects colorectal cancer
  2. Helps in the examination of the colon and rectum
  3. Detects polyps, inflammation, and tumors in the colon and rectum

What is the required preparation for Colonoscopy?

  1. Take laxatives as directed by the doctor.
  2. Stop eating solid food items before 2-3 days of the procedure date and follow the directions from Doctor.
  3. Discuss with the doctor about all risks, complications, and benefits associated with Colonoscopy.
  4. Clear the colon with the help of the enema kit.
  5. Inform the doctor regarding present and past medical and medication history.

What are the steps included in the Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy includes the following steps:

  1. The patient will be sedated and positioned in a way that the knees are facing toward the chest.
  2. The doctor will insert the colonoscope into the rectum and captures the images of the colon and rectum.
  3. Sometimes, the doctor may use other medical instruments to take the samples from colon and rectum for further investigations.
  4. After the examination, the colonoscope will be removed from the rectum.

What is the care taken after Colonoscopy?

The patient must follow a few pieces of advice suggested by the doctor after Colonoscopy procedure like:

  1.  Walking is recommended.
  2. Consult the doctor immediately, if blood is seen even after 3 to 4 bowel movements.
  3. Should not drive any vehicle after completion of the procedure.
  4. Follow the special diet given by the dietician.

Who is the right specialist to perform Colonoscopy?

  1. Gastroenterologist
  2. Experienced Colonoscopist
  3. Colorectal surgeon

What is the cost of Colonoscopy in Mumbai?

Factors that may affect the cost of Colonoscopy are:

  1. Health condition of the patient
  2. Age of the patient
  3. Doctor fee
  4. Admission fee
  5. Admission room that you opted for 

Minimum charges in Mumbai starts from Rs.1,000

Average cost in Mumbai is approximately Rs.11,250

Maximum price in Mumbai may rise up to Rs.25,000

Is Colonoscopy a major procedure or minor procedure?

Colonoscopy may be a major or minor procedure as it involves the insertion of the colonoscope into the rectum for examination.

What type of people can choose Colonoscopy? 

People with the following conditions can choose Colonoscopy:

  1. People having colon or rectal polyps.
  2. Individuals with colon obstruction.
  3. People suffering from chronic diarrhea.
  4. Individuals with colon or rectal cancer.

What type of people cannot choose Colonoscopy?

People with the following conditions cannot choose Colonoscopy:

  1. Individuals who are having peritonitis.
  2. Individuals whose bowel is not prepared well.
  3. People suffering from severe ulcers in the colon.

What are the risks and complications of Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy has the following risks and complications:

  1. Bleeding from the site of biopsy or site of examination
  2. Perforation in the wall of rectum or colon
  3. Loss of blood
  4. Nausea and vomiting

What is the required time to complete Colonoscopy?

The time required to complete Colonoscopy maybe 30 to 45 minutes.

What is the recovery time for Colonoscopy?

To recover from Colonoscopy, the patient may take around 24 to 48 hours. 

What is the success rate of Colonoscopy?

The colonoscopy success rate depends on the following factors:

  1. Bowel preparation
  2. Age of the patient
  3. Experience of the doctor
  4. Health condition of the patient

However, the success rate of colonoscopy lies between 83.5% and 98.7%.

Does Colonoscopy cause pain?

Individuals who undergo colonoscopy may or may not feel pain and it depends on the anesthetic effect.

Is Colonoscopy a permanent procedure?

Colonoscopy is not a permanent procedure as the doctor removes the colonoscope from the anus after completion of the examination.

What are the options to look after the failure of Colonoscopy?

In case of a failed Colonoscopy, the doctor may suggest the following options:

  1. Repeat Colonoscopy by an advanced Endoscopist
  2. Retrograde single-balloon enteroscopy
  3. Virtual colonoscopy

What are the alternative methods or procedures for Colonoscopy?

Alternatives for Colonoscopy are the following:

  1. Double-contrast barium enema
  2. Cologuard
  3. Stool DNA
  4. Sigmoidoscope
  5. CT-Colonoscopy
  6. Fecal immunochemical tests
  7. Fecal occult blood tests
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