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1. Is Earlobe Repair painful?
Every surgery comes with a certain level of pain and some discomfort. You won't be experiencing pain during this process because you will be under the effect of anesthesia.
2. Is Earlobe Repair Permanent?
Earlobe Repair is a permanent procedure as it restores the deformed earlobe.
3. What is the cost of Earlobe Repair?
Minimum charges for Earlobe Repair in Mumbai starts from Rs. 5500
Average cost for Earlobe Repair in Mumbai is approximately Rs. 8800
Maximum price for Earlobe Repair in Mumbai may rise up to Rs. 16500
Cost for Unilateral Earlobe Repair starts from Rs. 8,000
Cost for Bilateral Earlobe Repair starts from Rs.14,000
Cost of Earlobe Repair depends on factors such as:
- Admission fee
- Doctor fee
- Age of the patient
- The medical condition of the patient
- Type of surgery planned to be performed
- Post-surgical complications that are involved
- Type of Hospital
- The admission room that you opted for
4. What is the success rate of Earlobe Repair?
The success rate of Earlobe Repair depends on the following factors:
- Age of the patient
- The medical condition of the patient
- Type of surgery performed
- Experience of the surgeon
However, the success rate of Earlobe Repair maybe 91% to 94%.
5. What are the advantages of Earlobe Repair?
- Repairs the damaged earlobe
- Improves the appearance of the earlobes
- Reduces the pain and swelling of the ear
- Treats gauged earlobes
- Fewer complications are involved
Name | Recommended By | Review Count | Years of Experience | Fee |
Dr. Nirav Chheda | 91% | 499 | 24 | 1000 |
Dr. Prashant Kewle | 94% | 49 | 25 | 1200 |
Dr. Manohar Shaan | 95% | 174 | 34 | 1200 |
Dr. Kamalakar Dandekar | 75% | 4 | 36 | 1800 |
Dr. Amol Patil | 98% | 298 | 21 | 1000 |
Dr. Narayan Jayashankar | 96% | 101 | 31 | 1800 |
Dr. Juthika Sheode | 71% | 7 | 46 | 2000 |
Dr. Kalpana Sarangi, MD (Skin) | 95% | 412 | 30 | 2000 |
Dr. Ritu Sheth | 94% | 62 | 23 | 500 |
Dr. Pradeep Shriyan | 100% | 23 | 25 | 1000 |
What is Earlobe Repair?
Earlobe Repair is a medical procedure that is used to repair the split or widen earlobes. This surgery restores the torn or damaged earlobes and improves its appearance. It helps in reducing the pain and swelling of the ear. The earlobe is the fleshy and lower part of the ear and consists of fat and skin. It can be split or torn due to heavy earrings or trauma. There are two types of Earlobe Repairs and they are:
What are the advantages of Earlobe Repair?
What are the indications of Earlobe Repair?
Earlobe Repair is indicated in the following conditions:
What is the preparation for Earlobe Repair?
What is the postprocedure care/recovery care for Earlobe Repair?
Who can perform Earlobe Repair [Right specialist type for Earlobe Repair]?
Earlobe Repair can be performed by:
What is the cost of Earlobe Repair?
Cost of Earlobe Repair depends on factors such as:
Minimum charges in Mumbai starts from Rs.5,500
Average cost in Mumbai is approximately Rs.8,800
Maximum price in Mumbai may rise up to Rs.16,500
Cost for Unilateral Earlobe Repair may be Rs. 8,000
Cost for Bilateral Earlobe Repair may be Rs.14,000
Is Earlobe Repair a major surgery or minor surgery?
Earlobe Repair is a minor surgery as it repairs the deformed earlobes.
What is the eligibility criteria for Earlobe Repair?
People who can undergo Earlobe Repair are:
What is the ineligibility criteria for Earlobe Repair?
People who cannot undergo Earlobe Repair are those who are allergic to anesthesia.
What are the risks and complications associated with Earlobe Repair?
Risks and Complications associated with Earlobe Repair are:
How long does it take to complete Earlobe Repair?
Earlobe Repair may take almost 30-60 minutes to complete and sometimes it may take more than the usual time depending on the condition of the patient.
What is the recovery time?
Individuals who undergo Earlobe Repair may take 1-2 weeks to recover completely.
What is the success rate of Earlobe Repair?
The success rate of Earlobe Repair depends on the following factors:
However, the success rate of Earlobe Repair maybe 91% to 94%.
Is Earlobe Repair painful?
Every surgery comes with a certain level of pain and some discomfort. You won't be experiencing pain during this process because you will be under anesthesia.
Is Earlobe Repair Permanent?
Earlobe Repair is a permanent procedure as it restores the deformed earlobe.
What are the long-term results of Earlobe Repair?
Can Earlobe Repair be detected in the future?
Earlobe Repair may be detected in the future due to the presence of scars around the earlobe and by comparing before and after surgery photos of the earlobes.
What are the options if Earlobe Repair fails?
If Earlobe Repair fails, then the doctor may recommend revision surgery.
What are the alternatives for Earlobe Repair?
Earlobe repair is the only option to treat the deformed earlobe.