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Gastric Bypass Surgery
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1.5 Lacs
3.7 Lacs
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4 Lacs

28 Gastric Bypass Surgery Doctors in Mumbai

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Dr. Gautam Nadkarni

General Surgeon
28 years experience overall

Dr. Nikhil Gawde

General Surgeon
16 years experience overall

Dr. Sanjay Borude

Bariatric Surgeon
41 years experience overall
3000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker

General Surgeon
19 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ramen Goel

General Surgeon
39 years experience overall

Dr. Jiten Chowdhry

General Surgeon
27 years experience overall

Dr. Manoj Gandhi

Bariatric Surgeon
30 years experience overall

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Dr. Shubhada Sanjiv Khandeparkar

46 years experience overall

Dr. Ashok Hatolkar

Laparoscopic Surgeon
53 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Deepak Vyas

Laparoscopic Surgeon
45 years experience overall
2000 Consultation fee at clinic

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgeries Doctors In Mumbai

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 (727 Reviews & Ratings)
Gastric Bypass Surgery in Mumbai

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

A surgical procedure that is used to lose weight by dividing the stomach into 2 pouches and connected to the small intestine is Gastric Bypass Surgery. This surgery helps to treat obesity. 

How Gastric Bypass Surgery is performed?

Gastric Bypass Surgery is performed by either a General surgeon or Bariatric surgeon by dividing the stomach into an upper small pouch and lower large remnant pouch. These pouches will be connected to the small intestine.  

What is the care taken after Gastric Bypass Surgery?

The patient must follow a few pieces of advice suggested by the doctor after Gastric Bypass Surgery and they are:

  1. Should drink plenty of water
  2. Avoid consumption of alcohol until recovered completely from the Gastric Bypass Surgery
  3. Follow the diet given by the doctor or dietician
  4. Should not eat fatty food items
  5. Consult the doctor frequently to check the status of the surgery
  6. Should stop smoking

Who is the right specialist to perform Gastric Bypass Surgery?

  1. Bariatric surgeon
  2. General surgeon 

What is the cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Mumbai?

Some factors may affect the cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Mumbai and they are:

  1. Post-surgical complications that are involved
  2. Health condition of the patient
  3. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc.
  4. Patient age
  5. Type of surgery planned to be performed
  6. Type of hospital
  7. Doctor fee
  8. Admission fee
  9. The admission room that you opted for

Minimum charges in Mumbai starts from Rs.1,50,000

Average cost in Mumbai is approximately Rs. 3,73,000

Maximum price in Mumbai may rise up to Rs. 8,00,000

What are the risks and complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric Bypass Surgery has the following risks and complications:

  1. Ulcer formation at the site of surgery
  2. Can cause gall bladder stones
  3. Hernia
  4. Obstruction of bowel
  5. Difficulties in breathing
  6. Dumping syndrome
  7. Infection at the site of surgery
  8. Malnutrition
  9. Thromboembolism 

What is the recovery time from Gastric Bypass Surgery?

To recover from Gastric Bypass Surgery, the patient may take around 2-4 weeks.  

Does Gastric Bypass Surgery cause any kind of a pain to the patient?

The patient does not feel any pain sensation during the surgery process as the patient will be sedated by using general anesthesia.  

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery permanent?

Gastric Bypass Surgery involves connecting the small intestine to the divided stomach pouches and it is is a permanent procedure. 

Can Gastric Bypass Surgery be reversible?

Gastric bypass surgery cannot be reversed. 

How Gastric Bypass Surgery cure diabetes?

Glucose is used more in the small intestine and in this surgery, the passage of food through the small intestine is rapid and thus the blood levels of glucose are decreased.

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