Q: What are the Visiting hours for IPD Patients?
A: 9.30am - 7pm
Q: Does the Hospital have a Cafeteria?
A: Yes
Q: What is the Admission Process?
A: Planned - Patient visit doctor and then doctor advise admission and date is decided for admission. Patient needs to fulfill TPA process before admission if required. Emergency admission-EMO checks and advice admission if required.
Q: How can I get a discharge summary?
A: Discharge summary is handed over to patient/relative at the time of discharge.
Q: Can a family member spend a night with the Patient? Will this be at an extra cost?
A: 1 family member is allowed to stay. NO extra cost
Q: Does this Hospital provide International Patient Services?
A: Yes
Q: What are the Diagnostic Imaging Services available at the Hospital?
A: Sonography
Brief History/Overview:
Patankar Fertility Solutions, located at the Shukrawar Perth Pune, provides all the required services needed to fulfill the dream of a woman to become a mother. They use Artificial Reproductive Techniques [ART] to provide the best service to the people. A team of Embryologists and clinicians work constantly to provide the best service to the patients. The whole team works to pass on the benefits to the patients. Patankar Fertility Solutions is ISO 9001:2015 certified by an internationally recognized certification body ICS (Interaction Certification Solution).
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