Diet Advice and Tips


Chayote squash daily intake

Chayote squash daily intake cause any sideffect?? How much quantity to intake daily ?? Whether we intake as raw or juice form??
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Can someone please tell me the pros and cons of L-Lysine? Does it have any adverse effects? Can we take a dose of 1 tablet a day, 1000mg? A 24y/o overweight girl, with no underlying issues. Just slow metabolic rate and stuck weight.
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Cortisol levels and slow metabolic rate

I'm a 24 y/o girl. I struggle with my weight, along with cortisol levels and slow metabolic rate. I weigh around 88kg, and my height is 5'8.5 I go to the gym regularly, and follow intermittent fasting 18-6 hour. Someone recommended L-Lysine to me for increased protein synthesis and controlled cortisol levels. Do you think it's safe for me to take this supplement? I checked in the markets, and 1000mg L-Lysine Supplement is available around me. Can I start taking this supplement, 1 tablet a day?
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Diet and Nutri for hair GrowthandSkinGlo

Hey there! I'm interested in knowing more about the right diet and nutrients that can help with hair growth and skin glow. Can you suggest the best foods, vitamins, and minerals to achieve healthy hair and radiant skin? Thanks
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Cbc report...

Hlo dr, Can you see my report and say my overall, health is, fine or not... Because haemoglobin is ok but why I am having iron deficiency I am, confused... And what to eat to increase my haemoglobin...
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Soyabean intake in PCOS

Is it safe to consume 30 grams of Soyabean everyday in order to meet protein requirements in PCOS patient. As I am taking soyabean daily but somehow my periods are delayed this time. Is it because soyabean increases estrogen level in body
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Weight loss

I want to lose weight and be in good shape. Should I have to meet a dietician first before any gym or physical activity.
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Protein intake

Hi. I am 5 feet 2 inch woman weighing 67.5 kg I am trying to lose weight, my nutritionist has asked me to take 81 gram of protein everyday. I am a vegetarian so she has given me 40 gram whey to be taken everyday and 40 gram from diet. Whey is nutrabox whey. Is it a lot of protein? Or it is fine.? Please help.
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Weight issue

Hi I weigh around 95 kg and my height is 5'10 . I exercise daily by taking whey protein at breakfast. Pls guide what needs to be done
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Diet and weight loss

I have had done 5 kgs weight loss then I stopped then I've resumed again, now it's been 8 days and my weight is stuck at 79 it's not moving at all with all the hard work I'm doing and diet I'm doing. What to do?
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