Kidney Problems


Urine problem

I am having an issue with urine. Whenever I go to do urine, after that some urine drops fall in my pants and it starts to smell. That smell lasts for 10-12 hrs. I have done complete urine test, midstream urine for c and s but all are ok. Is there any way to reduce the urine dribbling/ urine smell.
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Pain in rectum

I have pain in rectum. I did masterbution after that I have pain in rectum. It this because of prostatitis because I have studied so much from Google this is creating problem in my mind
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Urinery problem

My father have not paas urine properly and take  more time for passing it. but not done properly. Pls suggest me what will I do.
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Partially distended urinary bladder

In ultrasound it shows partially distended urinary bladder what does Mean .. it is serious condition and even I have frequent urination
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Urine dripping

After urination, involuntary loss of urine drops after leaving toilet. Once it's started then feels like frequent urination. Can you please help me out to right direction to address this.
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Cyst in Kidney

Hi doctor. My age is 28. I am a female. In my ultrasound report there is a simple cyst in left kindney. Please let me know what treatment should I do and will it cause anything major in future? What should I eat and what should I not eat? Please help me. I am attaching the report too.
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Eurolift treatment for enlarged prostate

I am suffering from an enlarged prostate its size is 58 cc instead of 24 cc now i want to treat through only eurolift
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Foamy urine from last 1 month

Getting foamy urine from last 1 month. I was also getting severe left lower back pain when Ct scan done there are stones. Doctor suggested to drink 3 litre water every day and having 4 Crystone tablet every day. Attaching the report. Please suggest reason for foamy urine and any further tests.
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Frequent urination

Recently I noticed that I need to pee lot of time even after peeing and Im even not drinking too much of water. However urine is clear and recently I started to workout for belly daily morning and evening for 2 hours worried if its because of that. I checked by BS 2 years back and came out to be normal.
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Need a good ointment

Please prescribe ointment for frenuloplasty , treated 1 week ago. Need faster healing. Already applying bitadine ointment, but healing toooo slow . So kindly tell ointment for faster healing
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