Mental Health


Melatonin tolerance

Does melatonin also develop tolerance like other sleep medicines for example clonazepam and some other? Or it doesn't develop tolerance
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Nausea due to anxiety

I have been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety for the past 1 year. This has been affecting my sleep tremendously. Lately, i have been feeling nauseous all the time. What can be done
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Can't fall to sleep at night

Since last 3 days I am not able to fall to sleep at night. From 10 to 3 Pm I just try falling to sleep in vain. Never happened before ..this is the first time..I am yawning..but still not sleeping is so frustrating also..the maid comes at 6 am so I am getting max 3 hours of sleep Feeling restless and frustrated pls help
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Afraid of septoplasty

My nasal septum is deviated to left consequently causes trouble during sleep. Dr's have suggested surgery. I am in panic. Can I take zapiz. 25 for emergency?
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Dizziness and Confusion

Hi, In January I had skin problems and diagnosed with Tinea. I was using Itraconazole 200 mg and Atarax 10 mg as prescribed by doctor. I continued them for 2 months. I started having sleeping issues so I consulted a Psychiatrist and due to my personal issues in life I was diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression in April. I'm using Serta 50, Restyl 0.5 and Zolfresh 10 mg. From last 1 month I'm feeling restless, sleeping issues, Dizziness, Shaking of hands and confusion. Please help me whom should I consult now.
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Cbc report review...

Hlo dr, I have done cbc blood test to see my if I am iron deficiency or not... Plz see my report attach and say does my report is normal because my MCH is low I think.. Do I need to take medicine...
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Ocd problem

Unwanted thoughts circulating in my mind each and every second .hdbxbdnxnxnxnfnfnfncnn Gcgc ycycyy hc
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Tired of treatment and false hope

I was diagnosed with OCD at the start of COVID. I used to take medicine till Feb this year. I am fed up by it. Waking up taking medicine. Buying medicine worth 2000 every month. Also can not afford therapy after buying medicine and all. I tried online the medicines were given by the online doctor was making me dizzy sleepy. Nobody ever took time to evaluate my symptoms. Everything happened within five minutes. As a psychology student I did some tests we have taught in our class. Mind you I am not a psychologist, i am just a grad student. But this anxiety, obsessive thoughts are making me frustrated. My family donot support me in this. They think the medicines will make it hard for me to carry a child in future. I just sleep, donot go anywhere, gained weight, has depression. I am just done. I have exam tomorrow. What I am thinking about I will miss my exams and I will fail or I will say something wrong to the examiner. Am I going to be like this forever?
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Antidepressants and stomach burning

I am antidepressants for last six my dr changed the medication from mirnite 15 and soltus 100mg half tablet to mirnitie 15 and olimelt 5 mg . After 15 days I have severe stomach burning after eating food nausea and tremors what is the reason for this dr is change of tablet the cause
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Self harm tendency

I am undergoing treatment for depression for 3 years. Though my anxiety and depression symptoms have completely gone. But very recently I have started doing self harm . I feel relieved on seeing myself bleed. I am on clonazepam, escitalopran15 , bupropion 150. ?? How do I overcome this urge.
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