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11 Spine Surgery Doctors near Kr Puram, Bangalore

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Dr. Prashanth K.

Laparoscopic Surgeon
15 years experience overall

Dr. Krishna Kumar

Spine Surgeon
18 years experience overall
1050 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sangi Reddy

General Surgeon
31 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shiva Kumar

15 years experience overall
1050 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Karan Kukreja

20 years experience overall

Dr. Priyamvadha K

Spine Surgeon
24 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Bharat P Sarkar

Spine Surgeon
13 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sibhi Ganapathy

Spine Surgeon
19 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

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Dr. Antony Robert Charles

Pediatric Surgeon
28 years experience overall
FAQs on Spine Surgery Surgery

Dr. Deepak A N

16 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Spine Surgeries Doctors Near Kr Puram, Bangalore

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