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Why people want best in everything and why is that they don't get satisfied to whatever we do. Why nothing is accepted or taken happily ? How to satisfy ppl ?
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Hi. Its conditional acceptance. Satisfy yourself, be independent and prudent in your eyes
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I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself. Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself. Michel de Montaigne
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It's all about comparison. Comparison is like a cancer. We should allow them to change their  perspective.
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It is one of the mist difficult things in this world. It is instead easier and better to live your life.. How to do that!! Consult a psychological Counselor to understand yourself better and to get some clarity..
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Hello dear I can understand how you feel about this. When people dont get satisfied by whatever we do. We should do whatever makes us happy and satisfied. Yes, there could be many different factors in different people's life that needs to be counted. You might be having your own story and own reasons. Consult a good therapist or a psychologist to have an indepth discussion about your problem regarding this. You can also contact me. Let's discuss your issues in detail so that you can get towards your solution. Take care. Stay safe and strong. Everything will be alright. You got this!!
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Hi... What people do you so care about who are not feeling satisfied with all your efforts? I suppose it is either a marital or romantic relationship or with in-laws? We can't satisfy people, that's the key point. We can only satisfy roles with keeping peoples expectations in mind.
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Speak to these people who you so care about and talk it out where the gap lies. Consult a Psychologist, if you need professional help.
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Mr. Gunjan Maithil Senior Psychologist Cell: Nine Six Seven One Three Zero Three One Three Four (whatsapp) Website: App:
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