Ankle Injury

2017-12-30 16:47:16
I slipped on stairs yesterday my right ankle felt like it was getting pushed backwards while I was trying to stop the fall. No noise happened during injury. Swelling appeared. Could put some weight on it. Limping/hopping when walking. Hurt to move my foot but was still able to. Woke this morning decreased swelling no bruising. Only top of ankle hurts can touch on foot ankle and leg with pain. Discomfort walking and moving foot up and down still

Answers (3)

• Stretch sitting down. Sit barefoot and cross your left leg so that your ankle rests on your right thigh. Then hold your toes and bend them back toward your shin, stretching the band of tissue connecting the bottom of the heel to the ball. • Give yourself a foot massage. Start with your toes, using your thumb to massage them in circular motions. Then move to the arch under your foot and gradually work your way down to the heel, applying pressure with your fingers and palm of your hand. Use lotion to allow your hand to move smoothly over your foot. Wall calf stretch • Stand about two feet away from a wall. Place the ball of your right foot against the wall while your heel remains on the ground. Slowly and gently lean into the wall while keeping your knee straight. Hold this for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times twice a day. Apply contrast bath.

Answered2017-12-31 05:08:36

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Your history suggests high energy trauma. Try applying Ice packs. Keep affected limb elevated. Medications like Enzomac will help in swelling.
Next Steps
Persistent pain and swelling can be due to either fracture or ligament sprains. consult Orthopaedic Surgeon for clinical evaluation and X-rays.
Health Tips
Do not ignore injury . Do not bear weight over affected limb.

Answered2017-12-30 19:55:02

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Apply ice pack it il reduce pain n swelling If still discimfort persist get xray ankle AP/lat done

Answered2017-12-30 16:53:42

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