Anxiety while eating

2022-02-23 15:57:47
I am having anxiety while eating, I feel like i will choke on the food, not being able to eat properly. Please suggest something !

Answers (9)

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Answered2022-02-27 15:30:53

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What are your thoughts about food that can help you to understand your choke feeling? Connect to a psychologist as it's being a toll on you. Anxiety is treatable through proper counselling.
Next Steps
Have a mindful eating practice, can be learned by a psychologist in a safe environment
Health Tips
Make a list of food items that make you feel like choking.

Answered2022-02-24 14:43:41

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Hello, It seems like anxiety and disturbed mind… counselling can help you to solve this problem
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You can connect with me at nitu9978@gmail
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Counselling session can help you to solve this issue. You can connect with me

Answered2022-02-24 11:23:34

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It seems to be psychological issue affecting your daily lifestyle. It can be well treated with counseling sessions and medication if required.
Next Steps
you can contact me through online appointment for further assistance

Answered2022-02-24 07:23:53

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Empathy Eat with loved ones. Spend time with loved ones. Acknowledge their presence in your life.
Next Steps
emotional regulation therapy
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Once you choose hope, anything is possible. — Christopher Reeve

Answered2022-02-24 02:10:51

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Phagophobia...You have taken first step towards it which is half the battle won. Call me at seven eight nine two seven zero five four seven seven... .session will be of fifty minutes. cost three hundred fiftyonly. whatz app @seven zero two  six six six two six six four
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get in touch for therapy

Answered2022-02-23 17:23:32

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Hi Since when have you been feeling anxious while eating? You feel you will choke on the food and you are not able to eat well. Consult a psychologist and explain about what you feel which is anxiety while eating and fear that you will choke on food. A psychologist will determine what is causing anxiety while eating. A psychologist will also determine what is causing you to worry that you will choke on food.
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Contact me for counseling session
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Consult a psychologist. You can check my Instagram page shivani_naghnoor

Answered2022-02-23 16:57:17

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Hi, There could be multiple reasons as to why you feel anxious while eating. You would need professional help to deal with your anxiety and fears while eating. Would recommend you to consult a psychologist and a psychiatrist. You can reach out to me on

Answered2022-02-23 18:36:09

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Hi Phagophobia, or the fear of swallowing, is a relatively rare type of phobia. It is sometimes confused with pseudodysphagia (the fear of choking). The major difference is that those with phagophobia are afraid of the act of swallowing, while those with pseudodysphagia are afraid that swallowing will lead to choking. Both fears are sometimes confused with medical conditions such as dysphagia and odynophagia, in which a physiological disorder causes difficult or painful swallowing.
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Contact me for further assistance.
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Phagophobia can lead to progressively more restricted eating habits and, in serious cases, significant health issues. However, specific phobias do respond to treatment, and several options have shown promise for treating phagophobia:4 Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT helps you notice your negative thought patterns so you can challenge them and adopt different behaviors. CBT also teaches you ways to overcome distress, like distracting yourself, and may include psychoeducational aspects to help you understand phagophobia. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR uses sensory stimuli, like repetitive eye movements or hand tapping, to reduce the distress you feel while swallowing. Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing yourself to your fear with the help and support of your therapist, eventually working your way up to swallowing foods or drinks. Coping While professional help is beneficial for phagophobia, you can also use coping techniques to help you overcome distress on your own. Since the throat muscles often constrict during bouts of anxiety, coping strategies generally focus on remaining calm. Find distractions: Some people find that watching TV or listening to music while eating provides a welcome distraction that makes chewing and swallowing a less intense experience. Take small bites: Small bites or small sips of liquid may feel easier to swallow than larger portions. Chew food thoroughly: Chewing your food well makes it easier to swallow, which may help alleviate some of your anxiety. Eat soft foods: Soft foods may irritate your throat less than hard, scratchy foods will. Use trial and error to find the foods you're most comfortable with. Drink liquids between bites: Taking a sip of liquid with each bite eases the swallowing process.

Answered2022-02-23 16:54:28

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