Bad pain between my right leg and hips.

2023-12-13 19:16:59
4 years back I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. The doctor gave me medication for it and it had stopped. But few years later the pain is back and it's worse than ever, I cannot even lift my leg properly especially since winters have started now. What should I do now at home right now. The pain switched from my left leg to right.

Answers (3)

Get x rays of your spine and pelvis

Answered2023-12-15 16:50:14

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In Ankylosing Spondylitis there are few medicines which slow down the progression of disease. Also there are specific medicines as routine pain killers may not work that well 
Next Steps
Better to consult with a pain management expert.
Health Tips
Exercises are very important but avoid them when you have severe pain

Answered2023-12-14 01:19:10

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Its acute episode of ankylosing Need to start medicine Before starting medicine, would like to ask you few question? Consult

Answered2023-12-14 03:38:51

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